Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 5, 2015

Shirley Jane Mysteries

Today we feature the works of a young author who writes mysteries for children. 

           (from Amazon's author page)

 Brianna Benji is a young woman with high functioning autism who likes to read, draw, and write. she has published 6 Children's books under Brianna Benji and 4 YA and Adult books under B.C. Benjamin. She has 2 cats and a pit bull and currently lives with family in Whitinsville,MA.  To learn more about Brianna Visit, like the BooksByBriannaBenji facebook page or go on my blog @

now about the book:

Paperback, 26 pages
Published March 14th 2014 by Createspace
ISBN 1496199197 (ISBN13: 9781496199195)
seriesShirley Jane Mysteries #1

Shirley Jane Holmes is the Great, Great granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes who solves mysteries with her friends, Janice Dickinson and Joshua Edgar Poe. join them as you read about how they solved the case of the missing Golden Monkey that was stolen from Franklin D. Roosevelt History Museum in the hometown of Buckleville, Vermont.

my thoughts:

This is a quick, cute story written by an incredible young lady. Brianna Benji is a young woman with autism who wishes to create stories showing others with autism that anything is possible. 

The Shirley Jane stories are easy to read, quick and fun. Shirley is the great great granddaughter of Sherlock, who along with her friends Janice Dickinson (descendant of Emily) and Joshua Edgar Poe (Poe's descendant) solve mysteries. The Mystery of the Golden Monkey is the first in a series by this prolific writer.

The stories are easy to read and perfect for young readers, looking for something interesting and quick.

buy on amazon

link to Brianna's Amazon page.

other title's by Brianna

I had an opportunity to communicate with Brianna.   She is a delightful young woman who graciously answered a few of my questions.

BLP:  What encouraged you to write for children:

BRIANNA: What encouraged me to write kids books was last year when my brother brought home my dog Fredo, who was 3 months old at the time.  I had an idea to write a picture book about feelings starring my cat, Rascal, and my new puppy Fredo, The book was titled RASCAL AND FREDO ARE FEELING.  Since the release of Rascal and Fredo Are Feeling, I decided to write a mystery series for kids that takes place in the 21st century, so I decided to create the Shirley Jane Holmes mysteries which involves Sherlock Holmes great great granddaughter.  When I started designing Shirley I thought of my 13 year old cousin Ashley, who is around the same age as Shirley.  That's why in every book of the series you'll see a redhead on the cover.

BLP:  What message do you hope your books will send to kids?

BRIANNA: I want to give kids the confidence to learn to read and show kids who have high functioning autism or any other disability that they are like everybody else on the planet.  I have ADHD pervasive developmental delay and oppositional defiant disorder which are all disorders on the autism spectrum  We need to stand up to those who judge young people with a disorder or disability to show we are not stupid and incapable of doing anything! We have to be proud of who we are and what we are good at.  That's my message to all kids!

BLP:  Well said Brianna!  And you are absolutely right!  Good luck with Shirley Jane and your other books!

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