Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 3, 2018

Pacifica by Kristen Simmons | Blog Tour Review

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my stop in the Pacifca blog tour hosted by JeanBookNerd! Go here for the full blog tour.

Publisher: Tor Teen
Release Date: March 6, 2018 (already out!)
Source of my copy: publisher
Series: standalone
My Rating:

Marin is cosario royalty, a pirate like her father and his father before him. Sailing the ocean to chase adventure is in her blood. But these days no one cares that the island town her people call home is named after her grandfather. They have a new leader, one who promises an end to their hunger – and one who thinks that girls are meant for the kitchen or the brothel. Marin knows she's meant for more than that, and with the sudden influx of weapons on the island, and rumors of a pending deal with the enemy oil nation in her wake, she knows a big score to gain the council's favor is the only way to save her people, and herself.

Ross lives a life of privilege. As the president's son he wants for nothing, but he longs for a life of adventure. On a dare, he convinces his best friend Adam to sneak out to the Docks, the site of local race riots between the poor Shorlings and the upper class. But when Adam is arrested along with the other Shorlings, and not even the president is willing to find him, Ross finds himself taking matters into his own hands. He journeys back into the Docks, ready to make deals with anyone, even a beautiful pirate, if it means Adam's safe return.

When Marin and Ross meet in dangerous Shoreling territory he sees a way to get his friend back and she sees her ticket home. The ransom a president’s son would command could feed her people for years and restore her family’s legacy. But somewhere in the middle of the ocean, Marin must decide if her heart can handle handing over the only person who has ever seen her as more than a pirate.

Since I read primarily romance novels now, I found Pacifica to be a very refreshing read. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

First of all, Kristen Simmons is a new-to-me author. I own all the books in her Article 5 series, but like many of the YA books I own, they've just been sitting on my bookshelf since I've switched to primarily romance the last year. But, I am so glad I came across Pacifica and was lucky enough to be part of the blog tour because it was a great introduction to Ms. Simmons and her brand of dystopian YA.

Things I loved about Pacifica...

The world-building. Pacifica is set not too far off into our future, which makes it all the more terrifying because it's entirely believable. We're transported into a world where all the ice from the North and South Poles have melted, the seas have risen, the oceans are toxic and filled with trash, devastating heat waves have killed off the crops, and the landscapes as we know it are now unrecognizable. The global clock had restarted to 0 Post Melt, and with the receding shorelines, people (what was left of the population after disease and extreme weather wiped out half of the population) from the US, Canada, and Mexico have moved inland and the land renamed Noram, where the different cultures and language blended together. The area was further divided into two parts separated by a cliff. The lower part is where the poor live, constantly bombarded by storms. Basically, these people are starving, and dirty, and with the announcement of the Relocation Act, are rioting the streets to protest. All the while, the rich people live above the cliff in pampered luxury.

The characters. I enjoyed our three main characters, Marin, Ross, and Adam. I mean, they're based on your standard YA stock characters where Marin is the bad-ass knife-wielding female who tries to save everyone, Ross is the rich, pampered President's son whose eyes soon opened up to how horrible everything really is, and Adam is Ross's best friend who isn't as ignorant of the real world as Ross is. However, put them together, add a dash of romance between Marin and Ross, and a great friendship between Adam and Ross, and I had a blast reading about their adventures. I also liked that the third-person POV switched between Marin and Ross because we got to know both of them at a deeper level.

The plot. I thought the plot was fast-paced and exciting. There were twists and revelations that had me shook. I read Ms. Simmons's author's note prior to reading the story and I learned that the story was based on her great grandmother's experiences as a Japanese woman imprisoned in an interment camp during World War II. Knowing this prior to diving into the story, I can see the parallels all the more. And you can tell Pacifica is a story from the author's heart.

I highly recommend you pick up Pacifica and be treated to a fantastic and thrilling dystopian with pirates. It's a great combo!

About the Author
Kristen Simmons is the author of the Article 5 series, The Glass Arrow, and Metaltown. She has worked with survivors of abuse and trauma as a mental health therapist, taught Jazzercise in five states, and is forever in search of the next best cupcake. Currently she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, where she spends her days supporting the caffeine industry and chasing her delightfully rambunctious son.

Link with Kristen!

TWITTER: @kris10writes

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Happy reading,

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